We are very excited about a project we've decided to do to support our troops.

They need handmade cards and I know you girls will come through with some beautiful work.
The most requested themes they get from the soldiers are:
thinking of you, birthday, love, miss you, and thanks
We have a display set up in the store and a box for you to place your cards in. We'll have some events planned and you'll be hearing alot about this from us! We have a goal of making 250 Cards by Memorial Day. Help us meet this goal!
I wanted to share with you a letter that was sent regarding these cards:
My name is Capt J.S., I am stationed at Balad Iraq. My family and friends love these cards..our chaplain keeps a box outside his office (they are starting to run low btw) I just finished writing a “Hello” card to someone who sent our unit a great box of treats…
Thanks again, you are all very skilled..these are gorgeous!
Thanks again, you are all very skilled..these are gorgeous!
You do not need to sign up--just drop cards by anytime the store is open.
There are a few guidelines to follow for the cards so we have brochures available outlining that (such as no glitter on the cards--for safety reasons).
C'mon you guys....get cardmaking and help us meet our goal!! Thanks!