Customer Gallery

How to use your albums:
  1. Click on the album you'd like upload to from below.
  2. Select create sub-album on the lower right and add your name as the title.
  3. Select upload
  4. After your upload has finished you can add your title, tags, and a bit of information about your photo.
  5. Now whenever you need to upload, you can select your own album. 
  6. Your username is:  scrapadoodle1 and the password is: doodle1
  7. Need help?  Email me at

Album:  Layouts

Album:  Cards

Album:  Mini Albums - 3-D - Punch Art

Album:  Tags and Flowers

We hope you enjoy the Gallery and upload your creations often. We want "Where Scrappin Happins" to be your favorite resource!!!

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